Healthy Aging Program
Looking for healthy aging data? You are in the right place.
Our Data Since 2018
Living Well, falls prevention and physical activity
Living well, falls prevention and physical activity
We have hosted a variety of leader training.
Arthritis Burden Report
The Department of Health and Human Services, Healthy Aging Program is proud to share “A Community Health Approach to Arthritis in Utah: Engaging Patients in Self-Management Education and Physical Activity".
Disability and Health Needs Assessment
Read our newest report focused on gaps, barriers, and solutions to health for Utah adults with disabilities.
"I really enjoyed this program. I loved being able to connect with other people who also deal with chronic pain and daily limitations. It helped me feel not so discouraged and alone. I also gained so many new skills that I will continue to use that have improved my quality of life greatly!”
— Living Well with Chronic Pain Participant